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Northwestern Medicine Magazine

Quarterly Design for Friends of Feinberg

Since 1899, Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine has published a quarterly magazine connecting its alumni with the most cutting edge research and powerful stories emerging from the school. 

More than a century later, the publication continues, having evolved and adapted many times along the way. Now serving a readership of over 40,000 alumni, faculty, students and donors, the Northwestern Medicine Magazine is available in quarterly print and digital editions. 


Health + Wellness


Northwestern Medicine Magazine Cover
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Cover and Spine

Design & Layout

We've handled the art direction and design for each issue since 2011, regularly experimenting with physical builds and custom 3D illustrations, as well as color, imagery and type, to bring each story to life.

Every issue is, in many ways, a learning experience, a chance to explore fresh ideas and territory in design. While faithful to the university's core identity, we always want to push those boundaries, allowing the magazine to continue growing into its own distinctive brand.

Northwestern Medicine Magazine Inside Spread
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Inside Spread
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Close-Up
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Close-Up
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Inside Spread
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Inside Spread
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Close-Up
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Inside Spread
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Northwestern Medicine Magazine Inside Spread
Northwestern Medicine Magazine Page Detail