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We’re a tight-knit team of optimists who believe in each other and our clients’ causes.

WBE-Certified. Established 1999.

About Us

Good Design
for Good Reason

Every project is an opportunity. We seek out partners who share our fire and fervor for creativity and social progress. But why just talk about it when we can be about it?

the firebelly ecosystem

From Camp Firebelly and Reason to Give to Typeforce and Firebelly University, we’ve been building and nurturing communities since day one. Our longest running program, Grant for Good, gives us the chance to work alongside important nonprofits that don’t otherwise have the resources to work with an outside agency. We’re proud of this legacy — and the impact it’s created for our partners-in-good. 

G4G About Logo

Design for Equity + Inclusion

As an equity-centered design studio, we are committed to access and inclusion, with the goal of creating a more just world. We believe that diversity — across age, gender, race, religion, citizenship status, ability, size, sexual identity, education, class and culture — builds perspective and empathy, which are critical to responsible design.

We aim to create brave spaces where all voices can be heard, biases challenged and solutions arrived at together.

The Team

Digital Project Manager

Ariel Henriquez


Ruth Lin

Senior Designer

Dean Sweetnich

Managing Director

Susannah Ramshaw

Senior Director of Design

Will Miller

Creative Project Manager

Makenzie Beyer

Associate Director of Strategy

Elaine Hancock

Maya Williams


Tyler Ford


Dawn Hancock